CAM FAM / Alumni

CAM FAM / Alumni

Building a Community

Well beyond the financial component of the Cameron Impact Scholarship, the Bryan Cameron Education Foundation seeks to build a community, or a CAM FAM of inspiring and motivated young leaders. Through our network we hope to establish long-term friendships, collaborations, and support for our impact-driven Scholars going forward.

Some of our initiatives include:

  • Lineage Families amongst Scholar Classes 
  • Virtual Get Togethers (bookclub, movie nights, speed dating, game nights)
  • Regional Get Togethers
  • CIS Quarterly Chats

Scholar Affinity Groups

The CAM FAM community is comprised of a large variety of identities, backgrounds, and beliefs.  We have a growing number of scholar-led affinity groups to help our Scholars further connect with like-minded individuals.   These groups are intended to provide an additional level of social networking, academic, and professional support to the members of our Cameron Impact Scholar community. 

Annual Awards Weekends

Our biggest event of the year is the Annual Awards Weekend, where we celebrate the incoming Class of Scholars, our graduating Scholars, and focus on team building and mentorship.  The links below give a small glimpse into some of our past celebrations.

  • 2020 Cameron Impact Scholar Awards Ceremony
    • [Rescheduled due to COVID-19]

Scholar Directory

To stay in touch with your fellow Cameron Impact Scholars, we have compiled the Cameron Impact Scholar Directory. Please let us know if any of your information needs to be updated at any point.

Scholar Calendar and Locations

The CAM FAM is a busy group. Keep apprised of upcoming events, birthdays, shows, and get-togethers by visiting the working calendar. Feel free to add any events you want us to be aware of, or places members of the CAM FAM can find you!  We also have our Scholar Location Tracker so you can arrange local meet-ups or get the scoop on various locations around the world. 

May 22: Early Application Deadline!
June 10: CIS Quarterly Chat

Summer Opportunities

What are you doing this summer? See the Summer Opportunities sheet to get inspiration or ideas on places other Scholars have researched or experienced. Don’t forget to add your own ideas! (CAM FAM Scholars only).

Social Media

Keep in touch via social media!





  • #CameronImpactScholar


Seen a fellow Scholar? Working on something interesting? Visiting a new city?

Keep us in the loop and stay in touch by posting with the #camfam hashtag.